Saturday, September 8, 2012

Flavors Ideas

Creating flavors has to be in my top 5 favorite things I have created for this. I got to be creative and produce what I think would be incredibly delicious.

My first thought was to make 10 base flavors that I would produce year round. Mostly the main flavors everyone loves, but with my own twist. After my brainstorming stage I ended up with 13 total. A few more than I wanted but they are a must have:

Banana's Foster
Coconut Cream
Hazelnut Coffee
Lemon Cello Meringue
Peanut Butter 
Red Velvet
White Chocolate

Their names are a work in progress right now, but I think they are a solid group of base flavors.

Then I decided to have a couple seasonal type flavors. There is going to be a seasonal fruit flavor, because come on who doesn't like fruit? Next in rotation there will be beer flavor. I decided to use the local brewed beer. Then there will be a cocktail section. This includes flavors such as margaritas, mojitos, comsopolitian, etc. Lastly there will be misc. flavors these don't quite fit into the other categories.

Spring - Apricot
Summer - Pomegranate 
Fall - Apple
Winter - Cranberry

Spring - Belgium Wheat
Summer - IPA
Fall - Triple
Winter - Stout 

Spring - Margarita 
Summer - Mojito
Fall - White Russian
Winter - Eggnog

Misc. Seasonal:
Spring - Jello, Dark Chocolate
Summer - Pineapple Upside Down, 
Fall - Pumpkin and Carrot
Winter - German Chocolate, Candy Cane, Black Forest 

** I just want to make something clear to one and all. Just because there is alcohol in a cake does not mean you are drinking it. All the alcohol burns off and the flavors are left behind. It is perfectly safe for children or those of you that do not part take in drinking. I like using alcohol because there is a more complexity of flavors. 

Most of these seasonal flavors are not set in stone, they are most likely to change, I will when I have made a set decision on flavors post a complete final list. This is just to show what I'm thinking of.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome!

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