Saturday, September 8, 2012

Planning Stages

It has been little over a month now that I have been planning Shimmering Sugar. I have at least dedicated 7 - 8 hours each day working and calculating. Let me tell you I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere.

I have finally gotten most of the things on my check list done before I go pitch my dream, to hopefully not get crushed like a little bug, to get silent partners or loans . Though some how as I cross something off, I add another item to do.

Thanks to my Associates degree in baking and pastry I feel like I am more prepared than others, but there are limitations to how prepared one can be. I feel as if there is something big that will magically pop up and throw a chink in everything. Time will tell if my suspicions are right or not.

Not to mention I am so thankful for taking Cost Control in school. I hated it the whole time but in the end it was the right decision. Now I will be able to make sure that I know what my cost are but keeping prices reasonable for the customers too.

Here is my list so far:

Cake and cupcake amount of servings sheet
Pricing Chart
Delivery Cost
Costing out cakes and cupcakes
Cake order form
Decorations price chart
Face Book Page
Labor Cost chart
Food cost chart
Food list chart
Material list sheet
Small Business Paperwork
Truck Pricing ✔ 

You could say I have a chart for just about anything. In between testing recipes and all these charts I have been putting all my efforts into costing all my sizes of cakes and cupcakes out. Let me tell you how frustrating it has been, for a me. I am numerically dyslexic. Math was my toughest subject in school because of this. I struggled for every A I got. It may not look like much but I am putting my blood sweat and tears into this.

Literally on the tears. I had a break down last night. I had all the vanilla cake prices costed out and while figuring out the marble that I noticed I had screwed up most of the vanilla. I got threw it and now it is fixed and I can move on. At the time it was just aggregating, I feel more accomplished that I got over that hurdle though.

I should get back to costing out more flavors!

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